I am using Oozie 4.2 that comes bundled with HDP 2.3.
while working with a few example workflow's that comes with the oozie package, I noticed that the "job error log is disabled" and this makes debugging really difficult in the event of a failure. I tried running the below commands,
# oozie job -config /home/santhosh/examples/apps/hive/job.properties -run
job: 0000063-150904123805993-oozie-oozi-W
# oozie job -errorlog 0000063-150904123805993-oozie-oozi-W
Error Log is disabled!!
Can someone please tell me how to enable the workflow error log for oozie?
is new to V4.2, undocumented, and may have been de-activated in the HDP distro for many reasons. Including compatibility issues with other Hadoop components. So you probably would have to recompile the thing to activate it, at your own risk. By the way, what is it supposed to display that is not already in the-log
output? – Mercurate