I'm creating a filter widget to show WooCommerce products followed by product count for the category, and it will also work when search string exists.
Like, These three categories,
- Laptops (5),
- Desktops (7),
- Tablets(12)
Now, if someone searches for Asus then there are 2 Laptops, 4 Desktops and 7 Tables match for Asus.
Now, In sidebar, per category will show how many products matches on the category for the search.
Currently, I am showing the counter by Default WP_Query with the tax_query parameter but it seems very slow, because if there are 50 categories, the query runs 20 times. I believe there is a better way to do this.
Can someone help me to find some easier way?
$args["tax_query"]= array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'terms' => $terms, 'include_children' =>true ), );
– Unbend