I am displaying modal UIViewController with modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet but it has some issues on iphone XR and XS Max. It's displayed behind notch. Image bellow from left side iphone XR, XS, X.
UIViewController use autolayout and is presented like this:
let contentViewController = UINib(nibName: "EditViewController", bundle: nil).instantiate(withOwner: nil, options: nil)[0] as! EditViewController
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: contentViewController)
navController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.formSheet
let popover = navController.presentationController!
popover.delegate = self
self.present(navController, animated: true, completion: nil)
extension MyController: UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate {
func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController, traitCollection: UITraitCollection) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
return .none
There is same issue with modalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet. It works fine with other modalPresentationStyles ie fullscreen
It's on iOS 12.1, swift 3
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks