One way of generating such data is by repeatedly sampling random numbers within specific minimum and maximum until the desired statistic of the data is within a given tolerance. See the following Python code for example:
from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis
import numpy as np
def Generator(lower, upper, m, v, kur, sk, n, tol=0.01):
This function generates a list of random numbers within a given range that meet specific statistical criteria.
lower (int): The lower limit of the range from which to generate random numbers.
upper (int): The upper limit of the range from which to generate random numbers.
m (float): The desired mean value for the generated data.
v (float): The desired variance for the generated data.
kur (float): The desired kurtosis for the generated data.
sk (float): The desired skewness for the generated data.
n (int): The number of random numbers to generate.
tol (float, optional): The tolerance for the mean, variance, kurtosis, and skewness. Defaults to 0.01.
list: A list of n random numbers that meet the specified statistical criteria.
while True:
data=list(np.random.choice(np.arange(lower, upper), n, replace=True))
if (abs(np.mean(data)-m)< tol and abs(np.var(data)-v)< tol
and abs(kurtosis(data)-kur)< tol and abs(skew(data)-sk)< tol):
return data
If you set the tolerance minimal, it will take time to generate data. Now to generate 100 data points with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 10, with mean=5, variance=9.5, etc... you have:
g=Generator(lower=0, upper=10, m=5, v=9.5, kur=-1.5, sk=-0.3, n=100, tol=0.1)
np.mean(g), np.var(g), kurtosis(g), skew(g), len(g), min(g), max(g)
(4.98, 9.5996, -1.428594751943574, -0.25566031308484666, 100, 0, 9)