I am trying to make a put request to update a user profile with GetConnect. The user profile takes some normal JSON fields and a MultipartFile for the profile picture.
Here's my ProfileProvider class:
class ProfileProvider extends GetConnect {
Future<ProfileModel> updateProfile({
String name,
String email,
String address,
File avatar,
}) async {
final headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer $token",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
String fileName = avatar.path.split("/").last;
final form = FormData({
"name": name,
"email": email,
"address": address,
"avatar": MultipartFile(avatar, filename: fileName),
final response = await put(url, form, headers: headers);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final profileModel = ProfileModel.fromJson(response.bodyString);
return profileModel;
As you can see I am using FormData to send the encoded object to the API. But the response says the field name, email, address is required but I am already sending them with the form. What I am doing wrong here? The GetConnect documentation has a similar file upload doc but without additional fields (ie. name, email, address). Also if I omit the MultiartFile from the FormData, it's working.