I have an application that does some automation on an arbitrary Windows application. I've been using Notepad to test it.
During this automation, I have to invoke events from the code. I currently support two types of events since they seem to be the most common, InvokePattern and ExpandCollapsePattern.
I use a computer that I can remote desktop into to do the testing. But it's weird. When I'm connected to the computer through Remote Desktop, the application works fine. When I disconnect from the computer, my code stops working for the ExpandCollapsePattern (InvokePattern works fine). I get an InvalidOperationException.
The documentation says that this should only be thrown if the node is marked as a LeafNode. What makes Remote Desktop different that I'm getting the InvalidOperationException?
Here is the code I currently have to perform the event.
ExpandCollapseState state =
if (state == ExpandCollapseState.Expanded)
else if (state == ExpandCollapseState.PartiallyExpanded ||
state == ExpandCollapseState.Collapsed)
patternMenu is an ExpandCollapsePattern gotten from the AutomationElement using GetCurrentPattern.
The current value of ExpandCollapseState is "Collapsed" when I print out the value.
EDIT: Any chance I can know why I got a downvote and how this is a bad question? I'm genuinely confused of what's happening, as it only seems to fail when remote desktop is closed. If this is a really dumb question that I should know the answer to, I'd love an explanation and then a downvote.
The process that interacts with the desktop isn't a Windows service. It's an application I start after I remote desktop into the computer. Is it because I'm locking the desktop?
I'm using "Terminal Server Client" on Ubuntu to log into the Windows machine. Does pressing the close button on this application cause the desktop to lock?