In my project I'm using select2 component. To my selected elements I added icon and description. Code is something like this:
function format(profile_opt) {
return profile_opt.text + "<br><span class=\"description_select2\"><i>" + $(profile_opt.element).attr('title') + "</i></span><br>" +
($(profile_opt.element).attr('start').length==0?'':('from: <b>' + $(profile_opt.element).attr('start') + '</b>')) + ($(profile_opt.element).attr('end').length==0?'':(' to: <b>' + $(profile_opt.element).attr('end') + '</b>')) +
" <a href=\"#\" onclick=javascript:showUrlInDialogWithOptionId(\"<%=request.getContextPath()%>/assignments_date_set.jsp\",\"" + + "\",\"" + $(profile_opt.element).attr('start') + "\",\"" + $(profile_opt.element).attr('end') + "\")>" +
"<img src=\"images/icons/small/grey/clock.png\" title=\"Set start and end assignment dates\" alt=\"Set start and end assignment dates\" class=\"clock\" id=\"clock\" width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\"></a>";
function format2(profile_opt){
return profile_opt.text +"<br><span class=\"description_select2\"><i>" + $(profile_opt.element).attr('title') + "</i></span>";
$('#selected_profiles').select2({ allowSelectAllNone: true, closeOnSelect:false, width: '600px', placeholder: 'Click to select',
formatResult: format2,
formatSelection: format,
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }
My question is: how to set tooltips to be only substring of format option element. I mean I need only beginning of the tooltip not this whole syntax with html inside. Thanks in advance for any help.