I have a command line Java application which reads and writes files on Windows 7 x64 platform. Currently application runs with shipped IBM Java SE 6. Structure as follows:
Now, I replaced the jre folder with unzipped JRE 8 package. And the application started complaining that it can not "access" (actually it's write operation) files in some_folder. If I create manually new some_folder_1 under APP_ROOT and re-configure application to use it - application runs just fine. If I delete newly created some_folder_1 and rename some_folder to some_folder_1 - application complaining that it can't access it (even in read mode).
If I replace jre folder with JRE 6 files - application start working fine.
Tried comparing effective permissions via Properties - all looks the same, nothing suspicious. UAC is turned on, I'm working and doing folders replacement under regular user.
UPDATE: After I turned off UAC in Windows 7 and rebooted, application started working fine with JRE 8. But I need to make it working with UAC turned on. When reverted UAC to on and rebooted - application with JRE 8 failed again. Also, noticed that seems JRE 8 does not create properly files in "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\", where it normally create when program attempts to write inside Program Files.
UPDATE 2: Did more troubleshooting, and narrowed problem:
- Application with JRE 8 fails only when it writes to "C:\Program Files\APP_ROOT\some_folder"
- By Windows 7 design in this case file expected to be created in C:\User..\VirtualStore, but JRE 8 can not do this (which is wrong and the root of the problem)
- JRE 6 can create files fine in VirtualStore.
- VirtualStore content was cleaned up before re-run with JRE 8
- The succeeded run with "some_folder_1" and JRE 8 combination was because JRE 8 actually wrote inside C:\Program Files/APP_ROOT/some_folder_1 - which is violation IMHO. So, this is another problem - why JRE 8 did not redirect writing to filesystem in the VirtualStore, and modified instead C:\Program Files subfolder.
- If I define %localusrdir% to some C:\temp directory, JRE 8 shows the same problem, so it's not only specific problem of VirtualStore folder, IMHO.
So, I make conclusion - for some reason JRE 8 can not redirect writing output to C:\Program Files... into C:\Users...\VirtualStore
How it can be fixed, so JRE 8 start writing in VirtualStore fine as JRE 6 does?
UPDATE 3: the failing JRE version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\APP\jre\bin>java.exe -version
java version "1.8.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pwi3280-20150129_02)
IBM J9 VM (build 2.8, JRE 1.8.0 Windows 7 x86-32 20150116_231420 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - R28_Java8_GA_20150116_2030_B231420
JIT - tr.r14.java_20150109_82886.02
GC - R28_Java8_GA_20150116_2030_B231420
J9CL - 20150116_231420)
JCL - 20150123_01 based on Oracle jdk8u31-b12