I use combineLatest() to combine 3 streams of observables. All these are combined so that all data in the UI is shown at the same time. Now, there is a scenario in which one of the observables won't emit anything, since the data that gets fetched, can be null.
Is there a RxJava operator to let the subscriber know that there won't be any emits because of null data?
private fun retrieveData() {
Observable.combineLatest(getCurrentUser.execute(), getLatestGoal.execute(), getLatestLog.execute(),
Function3<User, Goal, Log, PersonalViewModel> { user, goal, log -> mapToViewModel(user, goal, log) })
.doOnSubscribe { /*todo: animation*/ }
.doOnNext { view.setViewModel(it) }
.doOnComplete { view.stopLoading() }
.doOnError { /*todo: error message*/ }
The third stream: getLatestLog.execute() emits nothing when the user has nog log. When this stream doesn't emit, the whole view will not be visible.
The data is fetched from FireBase Realtime database. The ChildEventListener has a method that looks like this:
override fun onChildAdded(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot?, p1: String?) {
val log = dataSnapshot?.getValue(Log::class.java)
log?.let { subscriber.onNext(it) }