I am trying to setup my Rails 5 ActionCable
for broadcasting updates to my database. So far I got things going but I realized that the documentation on ActionCable is kind of lacking. For my case, I want to know the list of callback I am allowed to put into the function subscriptions.create()
For example
const consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer();
received: someCallback,
connected: otherCallback,
disconnected: anotherCallback
I noticed that there are appendLine
and createLine
section 5.4 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html
How many more are there? What do they correspond to? This is so different from the usual websocket on Node.js and Python. Using socket.io, I only get 4 options, open
, close
, error
and message
. Why does ActionCable
seem so unconventional when Rails is supposed to be convention over configuration?