I am trying to upload my graphql schema to aws appsync. My graphql schema is nearly 5000 lines long. I tried uploading using cli and gui, both.
(1.) When using cli, I am continually getting error "Failed to parse schema document - ensure it's a valid SDL-formatted document."
(2.) When using gui, the pipes in all the unions in my graphql schema ( eg. union UnionType = Type1 | Type2 | Type3 ) are replaced with whitespaces, causing syntax error. After solving this by manual replacement of whitespaces, the tab becomes unresponsive, and needs to be killed.
I tried uploading a small graphql schema with a union from cli, and it worked successfully. However, from gui, it caused the same error of replacing pipes with whitespaces in union.
I need help understanding this behaviour with aws cli and aws console.