I am migrating some code to work with Go 1.11 modules, and I am able to build it from the shell but not in Docker.
Relevant Dockerfile sections:
WORKDIR /goscout
COPY ["go.mod", "go.sum", "./"]
RUN GO111MODULE=on go get -u=patch
COPY *.go ./
RUN GO111MODULE=on go build -v -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" -o GoScout -a .
When Docker is running the last command in the above excerpt, I get this error:
can't load package: package github.com/triplestrange/StrangeScout/goscout: unknown import path "github.com/triplestrange/StrangeScout/goscout": ambiguous import: found github.com/triplestrange/StrangeScout/goscout in multiple modules:
github.com/triplestrange/StrangeScout/goscout (/goscout)
github.com/triplestrange/StrangeScout v0.3.0 (/go/pkg/mod/github.com/triplestrange/[email protected]/goscout)
I don't get this in the shell, so I'm guessing I am not copying some files correctly. But before this command runs I have copied go.mod
, go.sum
, and *.go
, so I don't know what could be missing.