I am trying to create a java chat application for my networking class. As of right now I am stuck trying to connect to someone behind a different router. The way I have my project right now is I have a client program and a server program. The client programs first logs into the server program which logs their IP and port in a database and then the server gives them back the list of their friends with their IPs and ports. Then the client closes down the connection to the server and tries to connect to another client using the information the server sent back. So far my program only works connecting to the server and getting the friends IP and port but when I use those values to connect to the other client I cant connect.
socket = new Socket();
socket.setSoLinger(true, 10);
socket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(Port));
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, SERVER_PORT));
reusePort = socket.getLocalPort();
Above is a snippet of java code used to connect to the server then below is what i do on the client side.
ss = new ServerSocket(reusePort);
So now technically I am listening on the same port I used to connect to the server with which is logged in and is retrievable to another client and is in the NAT table with my ip and port. I am not sure what I am missing or if there is some protocol or something that I have to do. I have looked at TCP and UDP hole punching but I am not sure how that is actually accomplished or how to implement it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.