There's a tool for edge detection written for Image J that might help you first find the holes and the lines, and clarify them. You find it at
Playing around with the settings for the tresholding and the hysteresis can help in order to get the lines and holes found. It's difficult to tell whether this has much chance of working without seeing your actual photographs, but a colleague of mine had good results using this tool on FRAP images. I programmed a ImageJ tool that can calculate recoveries in FRAP analysis based on those images. You might get some ideas for yourself when looking at the code (see: )
The only way I know you can work with images, is by using EBImage
that's contained in the bioconductor system. The package Rimage
is orphaned, so is no longer maintained.
To find the shortest distance: once you have the coordinates of the lines and holes, you can go for the shotgun approach : calculate the distances between all points and the line, and then take the minimum. An illustration about that in R :
x <- -100:100
x2 <- seq(-70,-50,length.out=length(x)/4)
a.line <- list(x = x,
y = 4*x + 5)
a.hole <- list(
x = c(x2,rev(x2)),
y = c(200 + sqrt(100-(x2+60)^2),
rev(200 - sqrt(100-(x2+60)^2)))
calc.distance <- function(line,hole){
mline <- matrix(unlist(line),ncol=2)
mhole <- matrix(unlist(hole),ncol=2)
id1 <- rep(1:nrow(mline),nrow(mhole))
id2 <- rep(1:nrow(mhole), each=nrow(mline))
(mline[id1,1]-mhole[id2,1])^2 +
Then :
> calc.distance(a.line,a.hole)
[1] 95.51649
Which you can check mathematically by deriving the equations from the circle and the line. This goes fast enough if you don't have millions of points describing thousands of lines and holes.