When I set gridview to true (gridview:true) in our jqGrid to increase the performance of jqGrid, the method like afterInsertRow, or other similar methods are not executed. Following is the code of my jgGrid:
url: contextRoot + '/StandardProxy/displayListService?userRole='+
datatype: 'json',
colNames: ["CM Name", "Display ", "Loc. Pt.","Max. Ben." ,"Display Name",
"Items w/Fcst", "Units", "Sales $", "Profit $", "GP%", "Units",
"Sales $", "Profit $", "GP%","Hidden","Hidden1","Hidden2",
"Start Date and End Date", "Hidden4"],
colModel: [
{ name: "cm_name", index: "cm_name", sorttype: "text", width: 120,
resizable: true },
{ name: "ds_location", index: "ds_location", sorttype: "text", width: 120,
resizable: true },
{ name: "ds_symbol", index: "ds_symbol", sorttype: "text", width: 50,
align: "center", resizable: true },
{ name: "ds_benchMark", index: "ds_benchMark",sorttype: "text", width: 50,
align: "center", resizable: true },
{ name: "ds_name", index: "ds_name", sorttype: "text", width: 230,
resizable: true },
{ name: "ds_ItemFrcst", index: "ds_ItemFrcst",sorttype: "int", width: 60,
align: "center", resizable: true,
unformat: addDemoninatorSortingFormatter },
{ name:"ds_units_promo",index:"ds_units_promo",sorttype:"float",width: 85,
align: "right", unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name:"ds_sales_promo",index:"ds_sales_promo",sorttype:"float",width: 95,
align: "right", unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "displaylistGrid_ds_profit_promo",
index: "displaylistGrid_ds_profit_promo",
sorttype: "float", width: 95, align: "right",
unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name:"ds_gp_pct_promo",index:"ds_gp_pct_promo",sorttype:"int",width: 50,
align: "right", unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "ds_units_per_store_week",
index: "ds_units_per_store_week", sorttype:"float",width: 85,
align: "right", unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "ds_sales_per_store_week",
index: "ds_sales_per_store_week",
sorttype: "float", width: 90, align: "right",
unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "ds_profit_per_store_week",
index: "ds_profit_per_store_week",
sorttype: "float", width: 90, align: "right",
unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "ds_gp_pct_per_store_week",
index: "ds_gp_pct_per_store_week",
sorttype: "float", width: 40, align: "right",
unformat : spaceFormatter },
{ name: "hidden1", index: "hidden1", sorttype: "int",
align: "center", hidden: true },
{ name: "hidden2", index: "hidden2", sorttype: "text",
align: "center", hidden: true },
{ name: "hidden3", index: "hidden3", sorttype: "int",
align: "center", hidden: true },
{ name:"forecast_dates",index:"forecast_dates",sorttype: "text",
align: "center", hidden: true },
{ name: "hidden4", index: "hidden4", sorttype: "text",
align: "center", hidden: false }
onSelectRow: function(ids){
var dropDownVal = document.getElementById("displayDetailSelection").value;
var subTabName = document.getElementById("detailSubTabName").value;
dropDownVal = document.getElementById("displayDetailActiveSelection").value;
afterInsertRow : function(ids) { // shows custom tooltip
var customToolTip = jQuery("#displaylistGrid").getCell(ids,'ds_name') +
" -- " + jQuery("#displaylistGrid").getCell(ids,'hidden4');
$("#displaylistGrid").setCell(ids,'ds_name', '','',{title:customToolTip});
gridComplete : function(){
onSortCol : function(){
width: 983,
rowNum: 999,
height: eval(heightOfDispListGrid()+7),
toolbar: [true, "top"],
viewrecords: true,
treeIcons: {leaf: "ui-icon-document-b"},
treeGrid: true,
treeGridModel: 'nested',
ExpandColumn : 'Description',
ExpandColClick: true,
refresh : true,
shrinkToFit: true,
Following is the code of afterInsertRow method:
afterInsertRow : function(ids) { // shows custom tooltip
var customToolTip = jQuery("#displaylistGrid").getCell(ids,'ds_name') + " -- " +
jQuery("#displaylistGrid").getCell(ids,'hidden4') ;
$("#displaylistGrid").setCell(ids,'ds_name', '','',{title:customToolTip});
The preceding code is used to show customize tool tip. Please suggest me what I am doing wrong.
Please help me