I have a basic Cocoa app that let's the user manage a list of files. Files are added via drag & drop and I persist the access permissions in a secure bookmark across application restarts.
So far so good. The app is allowed to read and write to the user's files, but renaming fails with a permission error claiming that my app is not allowed to access the parent folder.
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:currentPath
toPath:newPath error:&error]
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "“Some image.jpg” couldn’t
be moved because you don’t have permission to access “some folder”
I swear that this used to work just yesterday, nothing changed... (see update below)
Anyway. I would assume that if a user allows access to a file via an Open dialog or drag & drop that a sandboxed application should be allowed to rename the file.
I finally managed to track this down to a change in my code:
I can reproduce the error when I call NSFileCoordinator.item(at: newSrcUrl, willMoveTo: newDstUrl)
before performing the actual move. If I skip this step, everything works again without any errors in the console.
The full code:
let coordinator = NSFileCoordinator()
coordinator.coordinate(writingItemAt: srcURL, options: .forMerging,
writingItemAt: dstURL, options: .forMerging) { newSrcUrl, newDstUrl in
// Calling this first results in "could not get a sandbox extension" error in console:
//coordinator.item(at: newSrcUrl, willMoveTo: newDstUrl)
try moveItem(at: newSrcUrl, to: newDstUrl)
coordinator.item(at: newSrcUrl, didMoveTo: newDstUrl)
item(at oldURL: URL, willMoveTo newURL: URL)
seems to be intended when changing the document's filename extension (e.g. .rtf to .rtfd), which is not the case for my app. Only the file name changes, not the file extension. I figured it would be best practice to call the will/didMove
methods, but looks like there are side effects.
To recap, all my app does is to ask the user to open a folder (via NSOpenPanel
so my app gets permission to write to that folder), then my app creates a file in that folder and later on renames it.