Here is an expanded version of the answer by Li-yao Xia.
Any mistake mine, etc..
Beside the algebras, the Generics for the masses paper by Hinze involves lifting them to typeclasses so that computation is done statically. That correspondance is straightforward and independant from the encoding as algebras themselves.
The paper is extended in Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses which decomposes the (static) computation to better approximate a solution to the "expression problem".
U-Indexed version
We declare the type U
(an object of *
) with
data U where
UPair :: U -> U -> U
UInt :: U
and we lift it to a kind, with {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
This means we consider it as a discrete category, whose objects are inductively defined by the type constructor 'UInt
and 'UPair
Here is a (inductively defined) functor from U
to Hask
which maps every object of U
to an object of Hask
data Pair α β = Pair {outl :: α, outr :: β}
data Unit = Unit
type family Star (u :: U) :: * where
Star (UPair a b) = Pair (Star a) (Star b)
Star UInt = Int
This is a pure mapping between types, and we can use it in type signatures
Category (U->Hask)
The category (U->Hask)
for object m :: U -> *
the indexed types
for morphisms m ~> n = forall (i :: *). m i -> n i
the indexed functions between indexed types
obvious identity and composition
Here is a (inductively defined) object of (U->Hask)
data DRep :: U -> * where
DPair :: DRep a -> DRep b -> DRep (UPair a b)
DInt :: DRep UInt
Note that it merely reifies ("comprehend") the existing structure of U
in *
: For each index of U
, it is a type, which, seen as a set, has one element for each object in U
, defined by the constructors. We can consume or produce values of those types using ordinary functions.
itself can be viewed as indexed by 1
This illustrate both type signature and computation with "reified U
toStar :: DRep a -> Star a
toStar DInt = 0
toStar (DPair a b) = Pair (toStar a) (toStar b)
Functor (U->Hask) -> (U->Hask)
A functor maps objects to objects, arrows to arrows, and more generally compositions to compositions
-- Object mapping of the endofunctor RepF :: (U->Hask) -> (U->Hask)
-- object of the source category (U->Hask) are transported to
-- object of the target category (U->Hask)
data RepF (m :: U -> *) :: U -> * where
FPair :: m a -> m b -> RepF m (UPair a b)
FInt :: RepF m UInt
-- Morphism mapping of endofunctors :: (U->Hask) -> (U->Hask)
-- morphisms of the source category (U->Hask) are transported to
-- morphisms in the target category (U->Hask)
-- between the transported objects
class UFunctor (h :: ((U -> *) -> U -> *)) where
umap :: (forall (i :: U). m i -> n i) -> h m i -> h n i
-- Morphism mapping (implicit form) of the endofunctor RepF :: (U->Hask) -> (U->Hask)
instance UFunctor RepF where
umap n = \case
FPair ma mb -> FPair (n ma) (n mb)
FInt -> FInt
-- We call repF the explicit action on morphism of RepF
repF :: (forall i. m i -> n i) -> RepF m i -> RepF n i
repF = umap
An h-algebra "at m" or "of carrier m", where m belongs to (U->Hask)
is a morphism (in (U->Hask)
h m ~> m
between the transported object h m
and m
More generally, an h-algebra at m
, where m
is a functor A -> (U->Hask)
is a collection of morphisms (in (U->Hask)
α_a :: h (m a) ~> m a
indexed by the objects a
of A
, verifying the naturality condition α_a;m f = h m f; α_b
for any f: a -> b
in A
type UAlg h m = forall (i :: U). h m i -> m i
-- rep is an RepF-algebra of carrier DRep
rep :: forall (x :: U). RepF DRep x -> DRep x
rep (FPair ra rb) = DPair ra rb
rep FInt = DInt
Initiality for algebras
An initial f-algebra is an initial object in the category of algebras.
It is the left adjoint of the trivial functor !: f-Alg -> 1
to the trivial category 1
and represents the functor 1(1, ! _) = f-Alg(I,_): f-Alg -> Set
For any f-algebra, an initial algebra determines a f-algebra morphism from it, which is moreover the only morphism between the two.
This property is equivalent to the carrier being a final cone (a limit cone) for the functor U : f-Alg -> C
. (any cone has to map to the carrier of the initial algebra, and mapping to other algebras will factorize by this mapping by the cone property. conversely being a final cone is having a representation of f-alg, C::C^op->Set, which is witnessed by an element f-alg, C (a collection of morphism between algebras), terminal in the category of elements so that any cone f-alg, C comes from precomposition by a unique morphism)
-- This algebra rep is initial
-- This is a witness of initiality -- using the functor instance repF
foldRep :: (forall a. RepF m a -> m a) -> DRep x -> m x
foldRep halg = halg . repF (foldRep halg) . repinv
repinv :: DRep x -> RepF DRep x
repinv (DPair ma mb) = FPair ma mb
repinv DInt = FInt
A witness of that universal property of being a final cone is the Church representation (I think)
type UChurch t x = forall (m :: U -> *). (forall (i :: U). t m i -> m i) -> m x
Hinze encoding is
-- Church Encoding de Hinze
newtype Rep x = Rep {eval :: forall rep. ChurchAlg rep -> rep x}
data ChurchAlg (rep :: * -> *) = ChurchAlg
{ pair_ :: forall a b. rep a -> rep b -> rep (Pair a b),
int_ :: rep Int
We can verify that this is a specialization
type URep x = UChurch RepF x
-- = forall m. (forall (a :: U). RepF m a -> m a) -> m x
-- = forall m. (
-- pair_ :: RepF m (UPair a b) -> m (UPair a b)
-- int_ :: RepF m UInt -> n UInt ) -> m x
-- = forall m. (
-- pair_ :: m a -> m b -> m (UPair a b)
-- int_ :: m UInt ) -> m x
So that Rep
is the carrier of the initial RepF
-algebra determined by the final cone. rep
is the initial RepF
-algebra at Rep
Hask-indexed version
When we replace U
by *
, we get an algebra
-- rep is an RepF-algebra of carrier Rep
rep :: forall x. RepF Rep x -> Rep x
rep FInt = Int
rep (FPair ra rb) = Pair ra rb
How can that be an algebra, which require a definition at every type a :: *
, when rep
is only defined for two indices ?
In reality, rep
does defines, for each index of our choice, a morphism of Hask at that index. Let's pick an index which is not Int
or (a,b)
repChar (v :: RepF Rep Char) = rep @Char v
This morphism is a valid one, and it is equal to
repChar (v :: RepF Rep Char) = error "impossible"
This is due to the specific definition of Hask whose morphisms are functions between pairs of type viewed as a pair of set of values.
The set of values of type RepF Rep Char is empty : it is initial in Hask.
there is a unique function from RepF Rep Char to any other type, "for free", which maps nothing.
maps a type constructorm : * -> *
to a type constructorRepF m : * -> *
where we can't choose the index, unlike, say,(m + m) a = m a + m a
. It's a bit odd. Or we can choose the index and we have to see the types as discrete categories themselves (sometimes empty, for say,Rep Bool
), making that a 2-functor (?). If we get rid of GADT and have explicit type equation (Leibniz equality or:~:
) in the constructors, does this interpretation holds ? – Landside