I just started using rapidXML since it was recommended to me. Right now to iterate over multiple siblings i do this:
//get the first texture node
xml_node<>* texNode = rootNode->first_node("Texture");
if(texNode != 0){
string test = texNode->first_attribute("path")->value();
cout << test << endl;
//get all its siblings
while(texNode->next_sibling() != 0){
string test = texNode->first_attribute("path")->value();
cout << test << endl;
texNode = texNode->next_sibling();
as a basic test and it works fine. Anyways, I came across node_iterator which seems to be an extra iterator class to do this for me. anyways, I could not find any example on how to use it, so I was wondering if some one could show me :)