I'm attempting to download an external mp3 into internal storage. However, the files I'm attempting to download are big, so I'm trying to download them in 1MB chunks so that you can begin playing them while the rest is downloaded. Here's my stream code:
InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
try {
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet get = new HttpGet( url );
HttpResponse response = client.execute( get );
MyLog.d( "Connection established" );
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
is = new BufferedInputStream( response.getEntity().getContent(), buffer.length );
os = openFileOutput( filename, MODE_PRIVATE );
int size;
int totalSize = 0;
while (( size = is.read( buffer ) ) != -1 && totalSize < 1048576) {
os.write( buffer, 0, size );
totalSize += size;
MyLog.d( "Finished downloading mix - " + totalSize + " bytes" );
catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
finally {
if ( os != null ) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
MyLog.e( "Failed to close output stream." );
if ( is != null ) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
MyLog.e( "Failed to close input stream." );
It downloads the file fine, but when it gets to is.close() in the finally statement, it hangs. If I wait a really long time it'll eventually close. It seems like it's still downloading the rest of the file. How do I avoid this and close the stream immediately?