I think a lot don't use it because
- They have no real need for it
- So far it isn't very straight forward
- Stated above, it is in beta still.
With Apple Push, it is pretty straight forward (on the device side), you simply invoke a call and it gives you the device token. With C2DM, you have to (though you can dig for the google account) prompt the user for the google account, then you have to hope they don't have too many Apps already registered for C2DM (100 limit now).
Server side, I'd say C2DM is a lot easier than push, you simply are invoking a service, with APNS you need to setup pipes, use certificates, etc. It isn't easy for most to do. C2DM is just invoking a HTTP call. The server aspect adds a bit of expense as well, hosting application services isn't always cheap.
I don't see a lot of Apps having the need for it, so far Twitter and Facebook seem to be (Though they may be using something else, I am not sure).
And, it is still a beta service. Do developers want to invest a lot of time in a beta service? Not all do, some will take the risks.
I've used it and I like it, I have it coupled with APNS and have had great success so far.