YARN - Map Reduce is API where you have to implement data processing logic in it. Once the code is compiled you have to submit the jobs using hadoop jar
command. YARN is the framework which will keep track of the resources, submit the job on the cluster, execute the job, show/log the progress.
OOZIE - Take a data integration example. You might have to get a data set from one database and other data set from other database, then you want to join, process the data and reload it into a cache or 3rd database. It involves 2 sqoop jobs to pull data from database, a hive/map reduce job to join and process the data, then push into cache/database. All these jobs are dependent on each other, eg: we are supposed to process the data only after data is pulled from source databases. Hence we need to create a workflow to execute complete data integration process. OOZIE can facilitate that. It is map reduce based workflow tool. Workflow it self will be executed as one or more map reduce jobs.
HUE: There are many tools in Hadoop - HDFS (file system), Sqoop, Hive/pig to process the data, Impala, HBase and many many more. To execute the POCs, it can get tedious to connect to the cluster. Also it need some linux skills. To overcome those challenges all the Hadoop eco system tools are consolidate under one umbrella - called Hue.