I'm currently working on an angular app with an array of items (objects). I want to display each object in the array in its own list item, but want to limit the height of the list to 9 rows, before it starts on a new list next to it. So if the array has 13 elements, array[0] to array [8] should be listed in the first list, in the first column, while array [9] to array [12] should be listed in a new list. How can I make *ngFor stop looping at index = 9, and start looping from there on another list?
This is how my current code looks:
<div *ngIf="patients" class="col-sm-4" id="patientList">
<!--Patient 0 to 8 should go in this space-->
<table id="patientsTab">
<tr *ngFor="let patient of patients; let i = index;" class="patientRow" >
<td class="ptName"><button class="patientSelect" (click)="selectPatient(i)" >{{ patient.firstName }} {{ patient.lastName }}</button></td>
<td class="ptPersonnr">{{ patient.personnr }}</td>
<div *ngIf="patients.length > 9" class="col-sm-4">
<!--Patient 9 to 13 should go in this space-->
<div *ngIf="patient" class="col-sm-4">