I have implemented UILocal Notification using the following link
And i have modified it to set the repet Notifications on each day by using
//To set the repeat notification
notif.repeatInterval = NSDayCalendarUnit;
For exampke ex Every day at 10.00 AM
But my requirement is user needsto set the notification on selected Week Days (Monday to saturDay)
why because user may have weekly holidays like (SaturDay and Sunday) / Friday - Sunday) / Some other days..
on the week offs he shouldn't fire the notifications.
So we felicitate user to set the selected Working days and the notifications will set on those days only.. once user set the notifications.
For ex:
we have list of weekday Sun, MOn, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Saturday
on those user selects Monday, Tuesday,WednesDay, Thursday. and set at 10Am
Then the notification will fire on every day 10.AM of these days.
How to do it