My app is using Android's Architecture components library and is displaying a list of items fetched from a paginated REST api with an infinite scroll effect.
What I'm trying to do is to use the Paging Library in conjunction with a NetworkBoundResource, so that when the user scrolls down the list, the next items are fetched from the database and displayed if they exist, and the API is simultaneously called to update items in DB.
I could not find any example of these two patterns cohabiting.
Here is the DAO:
@Query("SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY id DESC")
LivePagedListProvider<Integer,MyItem> loadListPaginated();
Here is my NetworkBoundResource
public class PagedListNetworkBoundResource extends NetworkBoundResource<PagedList<MyItem>, List<MyItem>> {
protected void saveCallResult(@NonNull List<MyItem> items) {
// Inserting new items into DB
protected boolean shouldFetch(@Nullable PagedList<MyItem> data) {
return true;
protected LiveData<PagedList<MyItem>> loadFromDb() {
return Transformations.switchMap(dao.loadListPaginated().create(INITIAL_LOAD_KEY, PAGE_SIZE),
new Function<PagedList<MyItem>, LiveData<List<MyItem>>>() {
public LiveData<PagedList<MyItem>> apply(final PagedList<MyItem> input) {
// Here I must load nested objects, attach them,
// and return the fully loaded items
protected LiveData<ApiResponse<List<MyItem>>> createCall() {
// I don't get the current paged list offset to perform a call to the API
return ...;