I'm using next-auth with firebase adapter. Everything is working fine in terms of saving users in database, but something is not working in terms of authentication.
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google"
import { FirebaseAdapter } from "@next-auth/firebase-adapter"
import { db } from "../../../utils/firebase/firebase"
import * as firestoreFunctions from 'firebase/firestore'
import { adminAuth } from "../../../utils/firebase/firebaseAdmin"
import { getAuth, signInWithCustomToken } from "firebase/auth"
const auth = getAuth()
export default NextAuth({
providers: [
clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET,
state: false,
adapter: FirebaseAdapter({
db: db,
callbacks: {
async signIn({ user, account, profile, email, credentials }) {
console.log(user, 'user')
const customToken = await adminAuth.createCustomToken(user.id)
const customSignIn = await signInWithCustomToken(auth, customToken)
console.log(customSignIn, 'customSignIn')
console.log(customSignIn.user, 'customSignIn.user')
user = customSignIn.user
console.log(user, 'user 2')
return true
async redirect({ url, baseUrl }) {
return baseUrl
async session({ session, user, token }) {
if (session?.user) {
session.user.id = token.sub
return session
async jwt({ token, user, account, profile, isNewUser }) {
if (isNewUser) {
const additionalClaims = {
isStudent: true,
isTeacher: false,
isStaff: false,
isAdmin: false
const customToken = await adminAuth.createCustomToken(token.sub, additionalClaims)
const customSignIn = await signInWithCustomToken(auth, customToken)
user = customSignIn.user
return token
session: {
strategy: 'jwt',
My users can log in, but are not authenticated.
const auth = getAuth()
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in, see docs for a list of available properties
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.User
// ...
} else {
console.log('no user')
// User is signed out
// ...
The Observer returns 'no user', but I'm logged in.
have a value before you pass it on? did you try to putonAuthStateChanged
and see if it works? – Kirkwall