I am trying to build "Adding Content to Apple Music”, Music Kit sample app provided by Apple, on Xcode 9 beta 3. However I am having 4 errors like this : three “Ambiguous use of 'play()’” errors and one “Ambiguous use of 'pause()’”
Please tell me how to fix this if you already solved this problem.
func beginPlayback(itemCollection: MPMediaItemCollection) {
musicPlayerController.setQueue(with: itemCollection)
//Ambiguous use of 'play()’
func beginPlayback(itemID: String) {
musicPlayerController.setQueue(with: [itemID])
//Ambiguous use of 'play()’
// MARK: Playback Control Methods
func togglePlayPause() {
if musicPlayerController.playbackState == .playing {
//Ambiguous use of 'pause()’
} else {
//Ambiguous use of 'play()’