OK. Here's what I did to solve it.
I removed the various Localizable.strings file from the Git repository, but left them in their locations (one in each of the app variant directories).
I took just the few lines that varied between each variant, and broke them into a separate text file, called "MyLocalizable.strings". I added each of these to Git, and added them to the project WITHOUT ASSOCIATING THEM WITH A TARGET. I left the Localizable.strings file associated with each target.
So, what we have, is each target has a Localizable.strings file that is associated with a target, and will be copied into the bundle. Each target directory has a file called "MyLocalizable.strings", that contains only the few strings that vary from target to target.
I then took the vast majority of the strings -the ones that don't change- and put them into another file called "MyLocalizable.strings", and placed this within the central (common) directory. Again, I added this to Git and to the project, WITHOUT ASSOCIATING IT WITH A TARGET.
I then wrote a very small, pathetic Perl script to construct a Localizable.strings file in a given target, from the common file, with the target-specific file appended. This overwrites the existing Localizable.strings file. This means that the Localizable.strings file is new for each run of the script. This script was placed in the common area, and added to the project WITHOUT ASSOCIATING IT WITH A TARGET. The script has one argument, which is the name of the target (and its directory). The syntax of this script is:
use strict; # I'm anal. What can I say?
use Cwd; # We'll be operating on the working directory.
use File::Path;
my $input1File = cwd()."/BMLT/Supporting\ Files/en.lproj/MyLocalizable.strings";
my $input2File = cwd()."/".$ARGV[0]."/en.lproj/MyLocalizable.strings";
my $outputFile = cwd()."/".$ARGV[0]."/en.lproj/Localizable.strings";
open ( MAIN_FILE, $input1File ) || die ( "Could not open main file!" );
my @file_data = <MAIN_FILE>;
close ( MAIN_FILE );
open ( PRODUCT_FILE, $input2File ) || die ( "Could not open product file!" );
push ( @file_data, <PRODUCT_FILE> );
close ( PRODUCT_FILE );
open ( FINAL_FILE, ">$outputFile" ) || die ( "Could not open destination file!" );
foreach ( @file_data ) print FINAL_FILE $_;
close ( FINAL_FILE );
I then add a Run Script build step BEFORE the Copy Bundle Resources step. This script calls the Perl script with the following syntax:
${PROJECT_DIR}/BMLT/Supporting\ Files/buildLocalizationFile.pl ${PRODUCT_NAME}
When the build is made, the files are combined, and the combined file is put into the bundle.