I have a Blackberry project that I'm working on and I need to convert byte arrays of strings encoded using UTF-16LE (little endian) to a byte array of string in the UTF-16BE (big endian) encoding, and vis. versa. A server I'm connecting to is sending the BlackBerry device byte arrays of strings in the UTF-16LE encoding however the device doesn't natively support UTF-16LE. When I try to decode the byte arrays back into strings, the strings are illegible. The device does, however, support UTF-16BE. I also need to reverse this process, i.e. convert a byte array of a string with UTF-16BE encoding into the what the server is expecting (UTF-16LE). Thanks.
I cannot do this on the device:
String test = "test";
byte[] testBytes = test.getBytes("UTF-16LE");// throws UnsupportedEncodingException
I can do this:
String test = "test";
byte[] testBytes = test.getBytes("UTF-16BE");//works
byte[] testBytes = test.getBytes("UTF-16")
? Does your server put the proper BOM character at the beginning of the string and does Blackberry automatically detect big endian? – Jocundity