this solution should work - not sure how long it will take on your system.
from itertools import product
lg = (p for p in product(xrange(1,13,1),repeat=10) if sum(p) == 70)
results = {}
for l in lg:
results[l] = [p for p in product(xrange(1,min(l),1),repeat=10)]
what it does is create the "top ten" first. then adds to each "top ten" a list of the possible "next ten" items where the max value is capped at the minimum item in the "top ten"
results is a dict where the key
is the "top ten" and the value is a list of the possible "next ten"
the solution (amount of combinations that fit the requirements) would be to count the number of lists in all the result dict like this:
count = 0
for k, v in results.items():
count += len(v)
and then count
will be the result.
okay, i have thought of a slightly better way of doing this.
from itertools import product
import math
def calc_ways(dice, sides, top, total):
top_dice = (p for p in product(xrange(1,sides+1,1),repeat=top) if sum(p) == total)
n_count = dict((n, math.pow(n, dice-top)) for n in xrange(1,sides+1,1))
count = 0
for l in top_dice:
count += n_count[min(l)]
return count
since im only counting the length of the "next ten" i figured i would just pre-calculate the amount of options for each 'lowest' number in "top ten" so i created a dictionary which does that. the above code will run much smoother, as it is comprised only of a small dictionary, a counter, and a generator. as you can imagine, it will probably still take much time.... but i ran it for the first 1 million results in under 1 minute. so i'm sure its within the feasible range.
good luck :)
update 2
after another comment by you, i understood what i was doing wrong and tried to correct it.
from itertools import product, combinations_with_replacement, permutations
import math
def calc_ways(dice, sides, top, total):
top_dice = (p for p in product(xrange(1,sides+1,1),repeat=top) if sum(p) == total)
n_dice = dice-top
n_sets = len(set([p for p in permutations(range(n_dice)+['x']*top)]))
n_count = dict((n, n_sets*len([p for p in combinations_with_replacement(range(1,n+1,1),n_dice)])) for n in xrange(1,sides+1,1))
count = 0
for l in top_dice:
count += n_count[min(l)]
return count
as you can imagine it is quite a disaster, and does not even give the right answer. i think i am going to leave this one for the mathematicians. since my way of solving this would simply be:
def calc_ways1(dice, sides, top, total):
return len([p for p in product(xrange(1,sides+1,1),repeat=dice) if sum(sorted(p)[-top:]) == total])
which is an elegant 1 line solution, and provides the right answer for calc_ways1(5,6,3,15)
but takes forever for the calc_ways1(20,12,10,70)
anyway, math sure seems like the way to go on this, not my silly ideas.