I am using the Advantage Database Server from Sybase and have for the moment a nice fast left join query, that runs really fast. The problem is that after running the query I would like to put the results into a string. I retrieved a dataset of 55000 entries. Now It takes up to 16 sec. to put it into the string. My query only took 8 ms to run. My first atempt was this:
WHILE not aADSQuery.eof do
s := s + aADSQuery.FieldbyName('Name').asString+',';
After, I tried this to avoid the aADSQuery.next, but the aADSQuery.RecordCount took me 9 sec.
Count := aADSQuery.RecordCount;
for i:=0 to count-1 do
aADSQuery.RecNo := i;
The database is indexed, with primary key for the Entry ID and indizes for the other columns. I thought about creating a view to count my entries to avoid the recordcount, that might exactly do the same than the sql count. But the count of the entries from the view took the same time as before. If I use the sql count on my base table with 130000 entries it takes only 200 ms. But if I am doing a count on my resulting table, without using a view it takes me 9 s. I quess it is, because there are no indizes for the new temporary result table. Does anyone know how to handle this kind of problem in a proper way or how to get a faster result count?
Thank you very much