I have successfully created my chart using MudBlazor.Line chart. The component has some basic options, which are working OK. However, I want to change other things (legend font size, line color and thickness, etc.) I found an option called "ChartPallette", which is looking for a string[], but I have no clue what to include. This is never mentioned in any of their samples or documents. Has anyone figured a way to modify such items?
The charts were developed mainly by me and henon but before i could finish them, the library got very popular and i had to prioritize other more important things, sorry that docs and the charts themself are lacking that was never the idea. I always recommend Blazor Apex charts mean time: https://github.com/apexcharts/Blazor-ApexCharts
Regarding your question, ChartPalette
takes a array of colors. it can be our in library material colors or HEX codes, probably even rgb/rgba but haven't tested.
= { Colors.Blue.Accent3, Colors.Teal.Accent3,... }
= { "#000", "#FFF", ... }
And to change the other things like font size, font color you would have to use CSS, while they are using the themes typography settings there is no way of separating the charts from the rest so it goes for the whole theme.
Question is MudBlazor, accepted answer is "ApexChart for Blazor" interesting.
Answer for MudBlazor is;
<MudChart ChartOptions="@(new() { ChartPalette = new[] { "#ad2643", "#9926ad", "#2c28ad" } })" ChartType="ChartType.Donut" Width="300px" Height="300px" InputData="@data" InputLabels="@labels">
<text class="donut-inner-text" x="47%" y="35%" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="2">Total</text>
<text class="donut-inner-text" x="47%" y="50%" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="5">@data.Sum().ToString()</text>
@code {
public double[] data = { 25,45,65 };
public string[] labels = { "Oil", "Gas", "Water" };
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