I am doing simple cms in laravel 4.1 , i created many form and they working fine, but the last form which i create throws error on submit.
Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ MassAssignmentException
The data posted by form also show on error page.
_token KLlDjuFgaEmuGHKMpFjqSrukYT3sawOYYZLPGxnb
name asdf
body asdfasdfa
bio sdfasdf
So its mean the _token is also posted then why i am getting this error.
My form look like this.
{{ Form::open(array('route' => 'admin.teachers.store','files'=>true)) }}
{{ Form::label('image', 'Image:') }}
{{ Form::file('image') }}
{{ Form::label('name', 'Name:') }}
{{ Form::text('name') }}
{{ Form::label('body', 'Body:') }}
{{ Form::textarea('body',null,array('class'=>'ckeditor')) }}
{{ Form::label('bio', 'Bio:') }}
{{ Form::textarea('bio',null,array('class'=>'ckeditor')) }}
{{ Form::submit('Submit', array('class' => 'btn btn-info')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
I see one related question to _token issue on forum but it didn't help me.
Thanks in advance :)