Keyword arguments are always optional, so you do need to manually check if they're given and signal an error if needed. It would be better to not require keyword arguments though. The compiler won't recognize them as required and thus won't given you an error message for missing arguments at compile time.
If you do want to require them, you can specify the arguments with a three element list; the first element being the argument, the second is the default value and the third is a variable that will be true if the argument was given. Checking the third element is better than checking the keyword itself, because then you can tell the difference between a NIL
that was the default, and a NIL
that the user gave as an argument.
(defun foo (&key (keyarg nil keyargp))
(unless keyargp (error "KEYARG is required."))
(* keyarg 2))
Now that I think about this a bit more, there actually is a way to get compile time errors for missing keyword arguments. Define a compiler macro for the function:
(defun foo (&key a b c d)
(* a b c d))
(define-compiler-macro foo (&whole whole &key (a nil ap) (b nil bp)
(c nil cp) (d nil dp))
(declare (ignore a b c d))
(unless (and ap bp cp dp)
(error "Missing arguments..."))
(make-album "Led Zeppelin" "Physical Graffiti" 1979 nil t 'rock)
? – Clearcole