I'm trying to retrieve some information from Wikidata and I have found interesting to collect the aliases of the voices. For examples Francesco Totti is also known as il Capitano or er Pupone :
I'm trying to retrieve all the serie a's football players with this sparql query:
SELECT ?subject ?nomeLabel ?cognomeLabel ?subjectLabel WHERE {
?subject wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
?subject p:P54 ?team .
?team ps:P54 wd:""" + team_code +""" .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?team pq:P582 ?end
?subject wdt:P735 ?nome .
?subject wdt:P734 ?cognome .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "it". }
ORDER BY (?cognomeLabel)
How I can modify my query to take also the aliases? Thanks