So I'm working on a bunch of pipelines and I've set everything up using yml templates. However I struggle with getting protected variable expanded inside of my template steps. I've tried passing in the protected variables by normal means, but they seem to not get expanded. Then I tried using a variable group, which I supposedly can directly reference inside of templates. I say supposedly, because Microsoft says so on their website
"You can also reference a variable group in a template. In the template variables.yml, the group my-variable-group is referenced. The variable group includes a variable named myhello."
- group: my-variable-group
However, whenever I include a variables
section into my template code, Azure DevOps immediately complains about it when parsing the yml, before running the pipeline. It spits out the following message:
/ymls/my-template@my-repo (Line: 1, Col: 1): Unexpected value 'variables'
I don't insist on using variable groups, I just want to have my protected variables expanded in my yml template. Does anybody know how to do that???
Any help greatly appreciated!