How set in the drop-down list item selected by the user?
1. User not enter all required values in form
2. Click sent.
3. Page is refresh and value in dropdown list is not selected. How select the value?
I have working script which retrieve data for the list.
placeholder : " --- select ---",
minimumInputLength: 2,
ajax: {
url: "index.php?modul=getusers",
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
q: term,
page_limit: 10
results: function (data, page) {
return { results: data };
allowClear: true,
formatSelection: function(data) {
return data.text;
Standard data in ajax call: {"text":"sample text", "id":"1"}
<input type="text" value="<? echo $_POST['userid']; ?>" class="input" id="userid" name="userid">
I tried to add the following code, but it doesn't work
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
var id=$(element).val();
if (id!=="") {
$.ajax("index.php?modul=getusersfriend&q="+id, {
dataType: "json"
}).done(function(data) { callback(data); });