Our distribution certificate for an enterprise ios app is expiring soon, so we made a second certificate in order to build a new, not expiring version of the app. I created a new certificate using keychain access just like I've done before (3 years to expire instead of one... woo hoo). Since I named it the same as the old certificate, I exported the old one and saved it out on our fileserver then deleted the old certificate from the keychain.
I managed to archive the app with the new provision profile that uses the new certificate. But, when I go to create the ipa file to test the distribution it can't find any valid provisioning profiles.
When I checked the certificate in the keychain, it now shows as "This certificate has an invalid issuer" instead of "This certificate is valid".
I have the private key and it is showing just fine on the apple developer site... so I'm not sure why it's saying there's an issue with the issuer. Has anyone else seen this before? Or do I just need to clear everything ahead of time and then make yet another certificate/provisioning profile for the app?