I am using AWS Redis for a project and ran into an Out of Memory (OOM) issue. In investigating the issue, I discovered a couple parameters that affect the amount of usable memory, but the math doesn't seem to work out for my case. Am I missing any variables?
I'm using:
- 3 shards, 3 nodes per shard
- cache.t2.micro instance type
cache parameter group
The ElastiCache website says cache.t2.micro has 0.555 GiB = 0.555 * 2^30 B = 595,926,712 B
parameter group has maxmemory = 581,959,680
(just under the instance memory) and reserved-memory-percent = 25%
. 581,959,680 B * 0.75 = 436,469,760 B available
Now, looking at the BytesUsedForCache metric in CloudWatch when I ran out of memory, I see nodes around 457M, 437M, 397M, 393M bytes. It shouldn't be possible for a node to be above the 436M bytes calculated above!
What am I missing; Is there something else that determines how much memory is usable?