I have this serialized JSON given to me as string
"{\"UniqueId\":[\"69570d12-598d-4aca-abe9-4d0e7b286fe5\",\"949cd142-3eca-4fd8-b8ea-b681f65c69ca\"],\"CustomerOffers\":{\"137966\":[05],\"137986\":[11],\"137987\":[38]},\"Success\":true,\"ErrorMessages\":[\"No Error\"],\"ErrorType\":\"null\"}"
I need to deserialize it to Java object.
I created this object class
public class Data {
public List<UUID> UniqueId;
public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> CustomerOffers;
public Boolean Success;
public List<String> ErrorMessages;
public String ErrorType;
// Usual Getters and Setters here
Then I created the method to grab the String and deserialize it, using com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
public class Deserializing {
public void processing(String input){
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
// JSON string to Java object
Data data = mapper.readValue(input, Data.class); //This returns exception
} catch (IOException e) {
Then the main class to call the method.
public class Testing {
private void testing() throws ClassNotFoundException {
Deserializing deserializing = new Deserializing();
String rawData = "\"{\\\"UniqueId\\\":[\\\"69570d12-598d-4aca-abe9-4d0e7b286fe5\\\",\\\"949cd142-3eca-4fd8-b8ea-b681f65c69ca\\\"],\\\"CustomerOffers\\\":{\\\"137966\\\":[05],\\\"137986\\\":[11],\\\"137987\\\":[38]},\\\"Success\\\":true,\\\"ErrorMessages\\\":[\\\"No Error\\\"],\\\"ErrorType\\\":\\\"null\\\"}\"";
After I run it (using TestNG), I get this error message
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of
Data(although at least one Creator exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
I am wondering, where could I do wrongly?
Thank You
PS: the original serialized JSON data that I get from the txt file looks like this
"{\"UniqueId\":[\"69570d12-598d-4aca-abe9-4d0e7b286fe5\",\"949cd142-3eca-4fd8-b8ea-b681f65c69ca\"],\"CustomerOffers\":{\"137966\":[48],\"137986\":[48],\"137987\":[48]},\"Success\":true,\"ErrorMessages\":[\"No Error\"],\"ErrorType\":\"null\"}"
When I copy paste it to IntelliJ editor, escape string will need to be added (IntelliJ adds it automatically). If I grab the data straight from the txt file and use it, I just pass it to the method public void processing(String input)
without worrying the escape characters. Not sure if this is correct though ...
in your string which make it looks like \" in json so it might be cause for exception replace all of them with single\"
– Granddaddy""
just directly paste the data you copied as it is already a string so you dont need to type qoutes yourself – Granddaddy05
. See this – LiebfraumilchString
you could userawData = rawData.replace("\"", "").replace("\\", "\"");
– Liebfraumilch