I am using code climate for code quality and test coverage. I have added the gem and code in spec_helper.rb to start the coverage. In the next step code as per the documentation: When you run your tests on CI, set the CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN environment variable: $CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN=******************** bundle exec rake
I tried to set the above line in the execute shell commands of jenkins. Also tried to set the environment variables CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN in the Manage jenkins -> Configure System settings. But that doesn't work. I couldn't find any documentation to setup test coverage with jenkins. Any help would be appreciable.
As per the code-climate documentation
Add the codeclimate-test-reporter gem to your Gemfile:
gem "codeclimate-test-reporter", group: :test, require: nil
Start the test reporter on the very first line of spec_helper.rb or test_helper.rb:
require "codeclimate-test-reporter" CodeClimate::TestReporter.start
When you run your tests on CI, set the CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN environment variable:
$ CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN=**************************** bundle exec rake
(Note: This token is specific to this repo on Code Climate.)
(Note: **As an alternative to the above, you may prefer to define this token as environment variable within your CI's user interface or configuration file**.)
Its written here that the token environment variable is to be defined within your CI server. That is what my question is where to define it in jenkins. I tried defining the global environment variable in jenkins under "Manage jenkins"->"System configuration". But it didn't work.
– Wholism