I created a fork of ecto
repository to extend Ecto.Changeset
module with the ability to add warnings to the changeset. I wanted to have an add_warnings/4
function which adds a warning to the changeset as a simple list of warnings with this structure warnings: [{atom, {String.t, Keyword.t}}]
, similar to errors
. The difference between the behavior of warnings
and errors
is that when an error occurs the data are not persisted, but when a warning occurs the data are persisted.
struct extended with keys warnings
and warningless?
defstruct valid?: false, warningless?: false, data: nil, params: nil, changes: %{}, repo: nil,
errors: [], warnings: [], validations: [], required: [], prepare: [],
constraints: [], filters: %{}, action: nil, types: nil,
empty_values: @empty_values
Ecto functions for casting, changing, processing params, etc. adjusted. Function add_warnings/4
@spec add_warning(t, atom, String.t, Keyword.t) :: t
def add_warning(%{warnings: warnings} = changeset, key, message, keys \\ []) when is_binary(message) do
%{changeset | warnings: [{key, {message, keys}}|warnings], warningless?: false}
The result is that I receive changeset
with expected keys:
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{}, data: #Company.Booking<>, errors: [],
valid?: true, warnings: [], warningless?: true>
When I make a change with error and warning I receive:
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
changes: %{pickup_address: #Ecto.Changeset<action: :update,
changes: %{street_name: nil}, data: #Company.Address<>,
errors: [street_name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}],
valid?: false,
warnings: [phone_number: {"This phone number is not common in Netherlands",
[]}], warningless?: false>}, data: #Company.Booking<>, errors: [],
valid?: false, warnings: [], warningless?: true>
So, everything is as expected, as far as warnings are concerned. Then, when I make a change with a warning but without an error, I receive:
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
changes: %{pickup_address: #Ecto.Changeset<action: :update,
changes: %{street_name: "sss"}, data: #Company.Address<>, errors: [],
valid?: true,
warnings: [phone_number: {"This phone number is not common in Netherlands",
[]}], warningless?: false>}, data: #Company.Booking<>, errors: [],
valid?: true, warnings: [], warningless?: true>
Everything is as expected. When I don't make any changes to the form I still should receive a warning for phone number, but I receive:
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{}, data: #Company.Booking<>, errors: [],
valid?: true, warnings: [], warningless?: true>
I got a changeset without any warnings as there is no changes
key in changeset because the data didn't change.
The question is as follows, how to implement warnings functionality to always have warnings in the changeset, even if no change was made?
instead ofEcto.Changeset.get_change/3
when adding a warning. Though, what is the purpose of this? If you will want to persist the data on warning, you will lose the changeset and not be able to show the user a message. – Komsa