Let's say I am writing a small R package including two functions with exaclty the same arguments except one. Here is an example:
fct1 <- function(r, K){...}
fct2 <- function(r, p, K){...}
In my roxygen2 documentation of the first function I use the following tags:
#' @param r description of argument r
#' @param K description of argument K
For the second function, I use the following tags:
#' @param p description of argument p
#' @inheritParams fct1
After processing my code with roxygenize, the .Rd file for the function fct2 presents the arguments in the following order: p, r, K. I would like them to be in the same order than in the usage section, that is: r, p, K. How can I get this order without manually changing the .Rd file?
I insist on using @inheritParams to avoid copying and pastings.