One would think it would be essential for a VoIP app to obey the same rules as the stock phone app but it turns out to be almost impossible to implement ringing correctly. Several things I tried:
Local push notifications with ring sound.
Good: obeys both Silent and DND modes.
Bad: the sound can be no longer than 30 seconds, and it only vibrates once when the notification appears. So to achieve the ringing effect the notification has to be re-pushed e.g. every 6 seconds, effectively spamming the notification center. Also push notifications do not sound/vibrate if the app is active so the app has to detect that and ring differently.
.Good: proper API seemingly designed specifically for this task. Obeys silent mode.
Bad: completely ignores Do Not Disturb mode, the sound and vibration come right through.
to play the ring sound.Good the sound plays.
Bad: does not support vibration, does not support silent/DND modes. Essentially not usable as a ringer.
Is there a better way? Or did Apple completely miss this use case?