I am using Google's Volley Library as my design for getting network data;
I have set up a RequestQueue
requestQueue = new RequestQueue(new DiskBasedCache(new File(context.getCacheDir(),
DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR)), new BasicNetwork(new
I have also subclassed Request, and have data coming back from the network just fine. My issue is with caching: in parseNetworkResponse() which is overridden in my subclass of Request, when I call
return Response.success(list, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response) returns null since the server is set up for "no caching" in its response header... Regardless I still would like to cache this data for a variable set number of hours (24 hours probably), How can I do this by creating a volley Cache.Entry... It is my understanding that the URL is used as the cache key value (and I would like it to be the URL).
To sum up, since HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response) returns null, I would like to create a new Cache.Entry that is set up for expiring after 24 hours, and the cache key being the URL of the request.
Any thoughts?