I have been working on .net platform for few years now and I must say I am very impressed by how Microsoft is making .net cross-platform compatible.
I spent hours trying to run a small hello world application built using CoreCLR on a mac. And it worked. While There are still a lot of UNKNOWNS I am still trying to understand, there is this one question I was not able to find answer of on google.
How do you automate the deployment a dnx application. I mean, do you compile your aspnet 5 app into a nuget package and then restore it on your linux server (I have never used linux so not sure how nuget works there), and run dnx command ? Or just zip it and push it to the server directly ?
Sorry this is all very new to me and so my questions might sound stupid. I just want to know what's the best way I can implement continuous delivery for my asp.net 5 applications. My ultimate goal is to host my apps on linux containers.