I'm trying to build an Ecto query with a left join with optional extra conditions on the join. I'll try to describe it with the typical posts and comments example.
Post has_many Comments Comment belongs_to Post.
Let's say Comment has two boolean fields, approved and featured.
I want to get all Posts regardless of whether they have comments or not, hence the left join. I want comments preloaded but preferably one SQL query. I want to optionally filter comments on approved and featured.
I'm trying to write a function something like this where if approved or featured is not nil, they will be included in the join, if they are nil, they will be ignored. I haven't found a better way than something like this:
def posts_with_comments(approved, featured, some_var) do
query = Post
|> where([p], p.some_field == ^some_var
cond do
!is_nil(approved) and !is_nil(featured)
-> join(query, :left, [p], c in Comment, [post_id: p.id, approved: ^approved, featured: ^featured])
-> join(query, :left, [p], c in Comment, [post_id: p.id, approved: ^approved])
-> join(query, :left, [p], c in Comment, [post_id: p.id, featured: ^featured])
true -> join(query, :left, [p], c in Comment, [post_id: p.id])
|> preload([p, c], [comments: c])
|> select([p], p)
|> Repo.all
That works but there must be a better way. It would get crazy if I had a third parameter. I'm looking for a way to dynamically build that list for the on
parameter of join()
. My attempts to do that have failed because of the requirement to pin.
I can't put those conditions in a where
because if I do something like where t.approved == true
I get only posts approved comments.
def posts_with_comments(approved, featured, some_var) do
anddef posts_with_comments(approved, featured, some_var) when is_nil?(approved) do
and so on – Segalman