You could do that by using textwrap
and a custom labeler function.
See here for examples from Plotnine team on date/time labels.
Change the numeric argument (the second one in the function call) to increase/decrease the characters in the wrap.
Example using mpg data:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from plotnine import *
from import *
%matplotlib inline
# import textwrap and define the custom function
import textwrap
def wraping_func(text):
return [textwrap.fill(wraped_text, 5) for wraped_text in text]
# example usage
+ geom_bar(aes(x='class'))
+ scale_x_discrete(breaks=mpg['class'].unique().tolist(), labels=wraping_func)
The output that will give the bar chart but labels are wrapt at the 5th character: