You can do the bit shift before converting to binary, since the bit shifting doesn't care about the base of your integer (bit shifting is by definition done in the base of 2).
i = 6 << 12
answer = bin(i)[2:]
Edit: Alternative binary conversion from @guidot
i = 6 << 12
answer = "{:b}".format(i)
Additional conversions
Just for the fun of it, here's some other ways to bit shift a number:
i = 6 * (2**12) # This will convert into 6 * 2^12
answer = "{:b}".format(i)
A bit shift will double the numbers value, so by multiplying the bitshift with the power two we achieve the same thing:
> print(6 << 12)
> print(6 * 2**12)
It's generally better to use bit shift if you know you only want to double the value.
You can also convert it to binary and then add 13 trailing zeroes, a funky way to achieve the same functionality:
i = 6 # Notice: No operation here this time
answer = "{:b}".format(i) + ('0' * 12)
Maybe not recommended to use the last method, but it illustrates how (left) bit shifting works.
creates the binary representation ofi
without the leading 0b you remove afterwards. – Amphimacer