When I uploaded the latest version of my native Android app to the Play Store, it gave me the following warning at first:
Warning: Deactivation of this APK will result in your app being available for new installs on fewer types of devices
I decided to upload it anyway, as the number of supported devices was the same as before.
I thought this was a bit strange, as I didn't change my "minSdkVersion". I released this version to only 1 % of the users, which is approximately 1500 users.
I actually don't know if I should be worried, but I have monitored the activity through AppCenter, which we have integrated into the app. And I think the number of users on the new version is suspiciously low. And 0 crashes in Play Store (which could be a good thing though).
Also, the column "Native platforms" in Play Store changed from 5 to 4. At this moment I have the following in this column: "arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64"
Unfortunately, I can't see the old information about this anymore, as I release another version afterward (a bug fix). But it was something like this I think:
1 differentiating: armeabi + 4 common: differarm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
Is this relevant to the number of users being able to download the app and should I be worried?