We are using Datamapper in a Sinatra application and would like to use case insensitive like that works on both Sqlite (locally in development) and Postgresql (on Heroku in production).
We have statements like
TreeItem.all(:name.like =>"%#{term}%",:unique => true,:limit => 20)
If term
is "BERL" we get the suggestion "BERLIN" from both the Sqlite and Postgresql backends. However if term
is "Berl" we only get that result from Sqlite and not Postgresql.
I guess this has to do with the fact that both dm-postgres-adapter and dm-sqlite-adapter outputting a LIKE
in the resulting SQL query. Since Postgresql has a case sensitive LIKE
we get this (for us unwanted) behavior.
Is there a way to get case insensitive like in Datamapper without resorting to use a raw SQL query to the adapter or patching the adapter to use ILIKE
instead of LIKE
I could of course use something in between, such as:
TreeItem.all(:conditions => ["name LIKE ?","%#{term}%"],:unique => true,:limit => 20)
but then we would be tied to the use of Postgresql within our own code and not just as a configuration for the adapter.
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